Recommendations For The Most Tourist Attractions Nusa Penida Bali Most Beautiful And Hits


Recommendations For The Most Tourist Attractions Nusa Penida Bali Most Beautiful And Hits

Recommendations For The Most Tourist Attractions Nusa Penida Bali Most Beautiful And Hits – Want to have a vacation to Bali Island? This is a list of recommendations for the most tourist Attractions Nusa Penida Bali most beautiful and hits that must be visited. Complete with photos/pictures ranging from white sand beaches, diving spots, and beautiful hills, to waterfalls that will make you never want to go home.

Maybe not many people know that the beauty of Bali is not only in the Kuta area and its surroundings. There are still several exotic hidden tourist attractions, one of which is in Nusa Penida. What do you think is here? Come on, see my review below.

Pasih Uug (Broken Beach)

The name Pasih Uug or Broken Beach is quite popular among domestic and foreign tourists as a tourism icon in Nusa Penida. When viewed from above using a drone, this natural tourist attraction looks like a large pool filled with seawater and surrounded by rock cliffs.

Then, where does the seawater come from? Seawater enters through a hole in the rock wall which is directly adjacent to the ocean. The existence of this hollow rock cliff makes Pasih Uug unlike other beaches in general, which directly face the expanse of the blue sea.

Goa Giri Putri

Apart from the beach, Nusa Penida also has several temples for places of worship for Hindus. So, among the temples on this island, there is a unique temple in a cave, its name is Pura Goa Giri Putri. The location is in Banjar Karangsari, Suana Village, Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency, Bali Province.

Goa Giri Putri has a very small entrance, only enough for one person. But, once you enter it, you will see a large room. This cave has a length range of about 310 meters and a height of approximately 10 meters.

When viewed from the strokes, colors, and lines on the walls of the cave, it can be assumed that Goa Giri Putri originates from an underwater river that rises to the surface. Because this place is still often used for Hindu worship, you should avoid Hindu religious holidays when visiting Goa Giri Putri.

Paling Temple

For those of you who are Hindus, a temple can be a place of educational recreation to introduce worship facilities to children. If you take your children with you, it seems that the temple at Goa Giri Putri is not comfortable because the entrance is relatively small. As an alternative, you can invite them to visit Paluang Temple.

The uniqueness of this temple lies in the 2 Pelinggih that look like the VW Beatle and Jimmy cars. It is said that there is only one form of the car from this Pelinggih in the world. The location of Paluang Temple is located in Karang Dawa Hamlet, Bunga Mekar Village, Nusa Penida.

Tembeling Water Spring

Nusa Penida does not have a modern playground like a waterpark. However, this beautiful island has a natural swimming vehicle, namely the Tembeling Water Spring. The location is in Batu Madeg Village, Banjar Salak, Nusa Penida, the city of Bali.

The diameter of the Tembeling spring pool is around 5 – 6 meters. Pretty wide isn’t it for swimming? Its existence is quite hidden, so you need to trek on foot to get to the location of the spring. You have to be extra careful because the terrain is slippery, steep, and steep.

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